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We recommend using Firefox or Chrome browser to register for membership- and be sure you are not using a computer with a firewall that might prohibit you to enter information into our system!

HINT: When registering for membership in the window above, please be sure to use the slider at the bottom and the slider on the right side to move around in the sign up area. 

If you experience any problems with registration, please send an email to so we can assist you! 
We have found that some browsers and agency computers with firewalls have difficulty navigating our membership system.


The VLEOA is a tax-exempt 501-C (3) Public Charity which has quickly become the leader in the training and support of reserve and auxiliary law enforcement officers world-wide.


One unique aspect of our Alliance is our ability to assist sheriffs, chiefs of police, county commissions and city councils in the formation or expansion of volunteer, reserve, and auxiliary police programs, which allows communities to maintain the safety and security of their citizens and increase citizen/police positive interactions.  

Contact us toll-free at: 1 (888) 746-8869 or email at:

Volunteer Law Enforcement Officer Alliance, Inc.
PO Box 700702
St. Cloud, FL 34770

Physical Mailing Address:

Volunteer Law Enforcement Officer Alliance, Inc.

4701 Old Canoe Creek Rd. #700702

St. Cloud, FL 34770

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Founded 2009
© 2024 VLEOA

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