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Membership Options
As of January 1, 2022 the VLEOA has a single membership duration, three years. However, there are two types of membership: full membership in the VLEOA only, and full membership in both the VLEOA and the National Sheriff's Association. We GREATLY reduced the price of our membership for our new three year membership level!

Full membership in VLEOA
3-year FULL MEMBERSHIP - $75 (USD)
No recurring payments!
Full membership includes: VLEOA Newsletter, personalized electronic membership ID Card, insurance discounts through partner programs, sponsor discounts, access to discussion forums/LinkedIn Groups, membership-only meetings & training and discounted rates for VLEOA meetings & training. As an added benefit of membership, only members of VLEOA are able to apply for and be awarded the "Certified Volunteer Policing Leader" certification.
NEW change your one year membership to our 3-year membership for current dues paying 1-year members
Members who are currently paying annual "Full Member" dues can take advantage of our greatly reduced price three year membership.
- Go to "Member Login"tab at the top of this page
- Sign in to the secure VLEOA membership website
- Immediately under the image of your membership card, you will see your current dues level
- Next to the current dues level, click the word "Change"
- You can select the new 3-year Full Membership Level

Full membership in VLEOA and
full membership in the National Sheriffs' Association (NSA)
The Volunteer Law Enforcement Officer Alliance is proud to partner with the NSA to offer our members significantly reduced price membership to BOTH the NSA and the VLEOA. NSA benefits include access electronically (only) for “Sheriff & Deputy” Magazine (published bi-monthly), voting rights in the NSA, and all other rights provided by the NSA (https://www.sheriffs.org/).
3-year full VLEOA/NSA membership - $135 (USD)
No recurring payments!
Full membership includes: VLEOA Newsletter, personalized electronic membership ID Card, insurance discounts through partnerprograms, sponsor discounts, access to discussion forums/LinkedIn Groups, membership-only meetings & training and discounted rates for VLEOA meetings & training. As an added benefit of membership, only members of VLEOA are able to apply for and be awarded the "Certified Volunteer Policing Leader" certification.
Also includes NSA benefits of voting privileges, electronic version of Sheriff & Deputy Magazine, all member-priced discounts as well as online membership discounts.
NEW Option for existing VLEOA members to add NSA membership
Existing VLEOA members who are currently paying "Full Member" dues can take advantage of the combined membership and upgrade their VLEOA membership to include NSA membership. NSA membership will end at the same time as VLEOA membership. The upgraded membership will be co-terminus with (end at the same time as) your current VLEOA Membership (i.e. there is no pro-ration).
To Join VLEOA (or the VLEOA and the NSA) follow the steps below!
Click the link below to go to our secure payment site
Select the option you would like to add NSA membership.
Make sure to sign in to the VLEOA website
Click "here" to add NSA membership to your existing VLEOA membership.
All members get free membership in SRLEEA!
VLEOA is now a partner with the Small and Rural Law Enforcement Executives Association
Volunteer police and sheriffs with small and rural agencies, or those who have an interest in learning more about these agencies are encouraged to join the SRLEEA, with FREE membership available to volunteer police.
Visit https://smallrural.org/ and click on 'Join Now' at the top of the homepage
Then select 'Law Enforcement Membership'
Fill out the information/registration page, and be sure that on the question with Law Enforcement Member (Complimentary) Must Select One, you must select "Reserve Law Enforcement/Sworn Volunteer".