Reserve Oakland County Sheriff’s Deputy & Michigan National Guard EOD officer, enters race for Michigan's 10th DistrictFeb 241 min readRated NaN out of 5 stars.Deputy Alex Hawkins is aiming to challenge two-term U.S. Rep. John James.#Rochester #RochesterHills #Macomb #MacombCounty #Oakland #OaklandCounty #OaklandCountySheriff #MichiganNationalGuard #Michigan #10thDistrict #ReserveDeputy
Deputy Alex Hawkins is aiming to challenge two-term U.S. Rep. John James.#Rochester #RochesterHills #Macomb #MacombCounty #Oakland #OaklandCounty #OaklandCountySheriff #MichiganNationalGuard #Michigan #10thDistrict #ReserveDeputy
Retiring Myrtle Beach Police Asst. Chief Marty Brown began his 31 year career as an auxiliary officer.